Learn about both survey options and when each is recommended.
Both Check-In and Pre/Post surveys leverage the same research-based logic model.
Check-In surveys measure the research-based PYD experiences shown to develop SEL.
Pre/Post surveys measure those same research-based PYD experiences as well as directly measuring SEL growth, which has been shown to promote long-term outcomes such as thriving, college- and career-readiness, health, and wellbeing. They are designed to leverage the full impact of full power of Hello Insight, with real-time, data-driven insights at program's start and end.

Check-In Surveys
Allow programs to quickly gather insights at a single point in time, either midway through a program or at the end.
Garner feedback from young people about the quality of program experiences.
Can be completed in 5 to 8 minutes, on average.
Which programs benefit most from using the Check-In Survey?
This survey is a great option for organizations that:
Were not able to administer pre-surveys due to programming or schedule change, but want to invite feedback from young people about the quality of program experiences at the end of a cycle.
Are facing significant time constraints or other challenges related to gathering data that is needed for reporting purposes.
Want to capture PYD experiences more fully by including additional program participants or specific sub-groups as survey respondents.
Are piloting new programming or implementing other changes that would benefit from young people providing feedback on their PYD experiences to date.
To learn more, check out a Sample HI Social and Emotional Learning Check-In Report.
How do I access and launch the Check-In Survey?
The Check-In option is currently available for the following Hello Insight tools: College Readiness, Elementary SEL, Outdoors, Social Emotional Learning, Sports, and Youth Leadership in Action.
To set up and launch the Check-In Survey for an existing group, please follow our instructions for Editing an Existing Group.
You can also opt to use the Check-In Survey when Adding a New Group or Adding a New Program.
Pre/Post Surveys
Measure young people’s social and emotional learning baseline at pre and growth at post,
Garner feedback from young people about the quality of program experiences
Inform targeted recommendations for staff to support each group of young people, assessing the greatest potential for SEL impact at Pre and Positive Youth Development implementation at Post.
Completed over two points in time, usually at the beginning and end of a program.
Pre surveys usually take 8 to 12 minutes to complete, and post surveys typically require 12 to 15 minutes.
Which programs are best suited for Pre/Post Surveys?
Pre/Post Surveys is a great option for organizations that:
Conduct program activities over multiple weeks or months, with stable participation of young people from start to end.
Want to capture their program's measurable impact young people's SEL growth in order to fulfill specific outcomes-based reporting requirements.
Better understand how young people's SEL strengths and growing edges align with program goals, activities and positive youth development practices.